Snippets To Share

My little corner of online space

Lockdown Tips

In these unique times we are all facing it has been amazing and inspiring to see the creative ways that people are coming together and supporting each other. My amazing friend Lisa, owner of Chester estate and lettings agency Homesale / Homelet, has been reaching out to local business owners to find out their 3 […]


Productive Worrying…yes it’s a thing!

Hi everyone, I am finally back after a few months break.  A couple of reasons behind this….I lost my mojo a bit in February and March and had a few issues with people from far away lands trying to hack this site…can’t think why they would be interested in little old me but hey ho! […]


2018…setting clear goals

Hi I’m back with a follow-up post on setting clear goals for the year ahead.  I had hoped to get this up a couple of days ago but it took me longer than I thought to do my 2017 review, described in my last post, partly because I had such a lot of detail in […]


Happy New Year…out with the old…2017 review

Hello and a very Happy New Year to one and all. I have had a good month or so off the blog while catching up with all the Christmas planning, making those lists and checking them twice and all that! I also decided at the end of November that I would stop drinking, probably the […]


Stop worrying…start a gratitude log instead

Hi there, I am a little later with the blog post this week.  It’s been a busy weekend but there is a lot to be thankful for.  I’m not sure about you but I have always been a chronic worrier, it has been one of the reasons I have struggled to get to sleep at […]


Forming new habits….one day at a time

I hope you have all had a great week and that maybe you have eaten a few frogs or tried arranging your days to make the most of your peak productivity periods when your willpower is at its best. This week I have some snippets to share from a book I read at the start […]


But First Sleep………zzzzzzz

So I’ve not had the best week this week, I have some sort of virus and I am in the middle of a pretty grim cold sore breakout – a personal best at 4 no less!  I wasn’t going to blog today but then I decided to man up, get a long shower and apply […]
